No matter what happened today, I know you love your kids and want the best for them. Even though you might not feel like it sometimes, you are a good mom! Read it until you believe it: You are a good mom!

You are NOT a bad mom if:
Your child doesn’t brush their teeth or hair.
Your child refuses to wash their hands or wipe their feet.
Your child won’t eat anything on their plate (even though there are children starving in Africa).
Your children squabble with each other and act ungrateful.
Your child goes to school with mismatched clothes.
Your child brings a pre-packed processed lunch instead of a home-made meal.

You are a GREAT mom because:
You love your children more than anything.
You do whatever it takes to help your children.
You sacrifice for them daily so they can be healthy, safe, and happy.
You get up in the middle of the night even when you’re exhausted to calm their fears or hold them.
You know there is nothing as fierce, loyal and relentless as the love of a mother.

You are a GREAT mom and don’t you forget it!

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Want personal support from someone who understands? Then email and she’ll be glad to answer any questions you have.

Thanks for being a great Mom!