ONLY $125 (REG. $397)




PROMISE #1: Get your kids to listen the first time,
PROMISE #2: Stop the tantrums, arguing, and meltdowns.
PROMISE #3: Teach your kids self-control.
PROMISE #4: Learn how to control yourself–no more yelling and lecturing.

We will show you exactly how to do this, without pleading or threatening or reminding them 17 times. Without resorting to useless consequences that never work.

Become that confident parent your kids need, equipped with 100 practical strategies to finally stop the defiance, yelling, and power struggles that 750,000 other parents like you have used. Think of everything else you’ve spent $9 or more on. This will actually change your home and relationships, now and forever. This week only–all 4 programs (reg. $99 each) for only $125 total.

Want to CREATE YOUR OWN CUSTOMIZED BUNDLE? Yeah, we can customize the exact programs for your specific needs. Email Casey@CelebrateCalm.com or call 888-506-1871.

4 Promises, 4 Programs:

(1) 10 Secrets to Motivate Unmotivated Kids (2 hours)–Internally motivate kids who don’t respond to consequences, are apathetic or don’t care about school. Get your kids to stop playing video games and start being purposeful.

(2) Stop Defiance & Disrespect NOW! (2 hours)–Stop kids from rolling their eyes, talking back or silently ignoring you. Eliminate the emotional power struggles and endless arguments. Diffuse demanding kids who argue, throw meltdowns, or act bossy.

(3) No B.S. Program (3 hours)–No one has told you exactly what to do and say to (re)build your relationship, motivate, and get your strong-willed child to be successful. Consequences don’t work. Traditional therapy doesn’t work. And if you don’t change your current path, you will kill your relationship with this child. So Kirk created a blunt, no-nonsense instruction manual to teach you exactly what to do, step-by-step to help you create what you desperately want:

A happy, confident, motivated kid you enjoy and connect with again (or perhaps for the first time) before it’s too late. This is the instruction manual you have been waiting for.

(4) 30 Days to Calm–this is where you break generational patterns and finally stop the yelling, lecturing, constant talking and reminding. You get to become a new you!


10 Secrets to Motivate Unmotivated Kids (2 hours)    

  • Internally motivate kids who don’t respond to consequences, are apathetic or don’t care about school.
  • Get your kids to stop playing video games and start being purposeful.
  • Inspire kids who appear angry, negative, lazy or entitled.

(3) No B.S. Program (3 hours)–No one has told you exactly what to do and say to (re)build your relationship, motivate, and get your strong-willed child to be successful. Consequences don’t work. Traditional therapy doesn’t work. And if you don’t change your current path, you will kill your relationship with this child. So Kirk created a blunt, no-nonsense instruction manual to teach you exactly what to do, step-by-step to help you create what you desperately want:

A happy, confident, motivated kid you enjoy and connect with again (or perhaps for the first time) before it’s too late. This is the instruction manual you have been waiting for.

Stop Defiance & DIsrespect NowStop Defiance & Disrespect NOW! (2 hours)   
  • Stop kids from rolling their eyes, talking back or silently ignoring you.
  • Eliminate the emotional power struggles and endless arguments.
  • Diffuse demanding kids who argue, throw meltdowns, or act bossy.


30 Days to Calm: Stop Yelling Lecturing & Reacting Stop the lecturing and yelling for good to create a new family tree.

  • Stop reacting when your kids, spouse, and friends push your buttons so you are in control of yourself.
  • Break the old patterns that cause you to worry about your kids’ future and feel like you’re not a good enough parent.
  • Get control of your time instead of feeling rushed, on edge and anxious. No more drama. No more anxiety.
  • Deal with daily pressures of morning rush, traffic, homework, bossy parents, social media, over-scheduling your kids, and more.