Host Calm Parenting University™
Live or via Zoom.
Practical. Relatable. Life-Changing.

Special For Next 7 Churches
Get 50 Memberships for $500
 Parents Pay Only $10 Each (Reg. $99)


Families are struggling now, more than ever. And through this special promotion, seven churches can give parents access to the same practical, Biblical, life-changing insight that Celebrate Calm Founder Kirk Martin has taught almost 1,000,000 parents around the world. For only $10 per person (regularly $99).

We don’t want finances to be a barrier to wisdom that can rebuild and repair relationships. So if you are one of the next seven churches to respond, you’ll receive 50 Workbooks (plus a DVD and teaching guide) for a flat fee of $500. That way, up to 50 parents can attend a 4-week class for only $10 each over the course of the next year.

Parents will learn exactly how to stop defiance, disrespect, yelling, sibling fights, and power struggles over homework, hygiene and chores.


4 Video Sessions + 40 Strategies + Group Discussions & Workbooks = Changed Families. 

Do you know parents who are at their wit’s end with strong-willed children? Now picture these parents supporting each other, live in person or via Zoom, learning 40 concrete ways to stop power struggles and create healthy families. This is a great way to keep people connected and draw struggling families into church.

This program usually costs parents $99 each, but your church can provide it for only $10 each (or free if you choose). You pay one flat fee of $500. That’s it. We pay the shipping and provide all the materials you need.

Calm Parenting University is a completely turnkey, READY-MADE PROGRAM so you don’t have to do any work. You will receive:
– The rights to host an unlimited number of classes for a total of 50 people.
– 4 Videos (one-hour each). See content below.
– Easy-to-use Leader Guide with Discussion Questions.
– 50 Workbooks for parents with helpful notes.
– Sermon Notes with Scriptural support.

Have Questions? Need Help?


CALL: 888-506-1871



Calm Parenting University is EASY to implement. Here’s how it works: 

1) You simply choose dates to host Calm Parenting University classes, either in person or via Zoom, usually over four successive weeks. Email with the name of your church and dates.

2) Casey will create a promotional flyer to publicize your class. You can choose to ask parents to pay $10 per person or simply offer it for free. Some churches use this as a community outreach tool to build relationships with new families who wouldn’t normally come to a church.

3) Your class is ready! Start a class or Zoom call exactly as you would a Bible Study. Have the host welcome everyone and begin playing the video. Some churches provide snacks or a meal–it’s up to you. At the end of the video, the host can moderate the group discussion using our Discussion Guide as a foundation.

Week #1: Stop the Yelling, Lecturing & Power Struggles

The quickest way to change your child’s behavior…is to first control your own. How can you expect your kids to control themselves…if you cannot control yourself? Using fear and intimidation produces outward compliance, but not respect. When we “lose it” in front of our kids, we begin to lose our authority and respect. The child is now in control, instead of the parent. It’s time to break generational patterns that destroy relationships with those we love most. Kirk will show you 10 ways to stop the yelling, lecturing and power struggles.

Week #2: Discipline That Works: Get Kids to Listen the First Time.
Instead of being drawn into power struggles, yelling and giving meaningless consequences, Kirk will show you 10 ways to discipline so kids listen the first time. Learn exactly what to do when kids whine, complain, lie, steal, cheat and throw tantrums; are loud in the car and interrupt on the phone. The best discipline is self-discipline. Teach kids to control their own behavior so you don’t have to “make them” behave.

Week #3:  Stop Defiance, Disrespect & Meltdowns.
Nothing is more frustrating and embarrassing than a child being defiant or melting down in public. Kirk will show you how to calm emotional kids and deal with outright defiance, without escalating situations. You will learn how to turn emotional power struggles into opportunities to build trust and teach self-discipline. Kirk will show you 10 ways to get the respect and authority your kids need you to have.

Week #4:  “You’re Not the Boss of Me!” Motivate Kids Without Crushing Their Spirits.
How do you motivate a child who looks right at you and doesn’t listen? What about a teenager who has shut down or become defiant? Consequences and external motivation don’t work. So how do you help your child live up to his potential without crushing his spirit? Kirk will show you 10 ways to spark your child’s internal motivation so you can enjoy a confident, purposeful child.

Because we want as many families to participate as possible, especially in communities where people have been hurt financially, we are waiving the normal fees for churches and allowing each church to pay a flat fee of $500 for up to 50 parents to participate. That means you can either provide the classes for free or charge each parent $10 total (versus the regular fee of $99).

Each parent will:

  1. Receive a full color Workbook filled with detailed notes, extensive Q&A, Discussion Guide, Scriptural support, Action steps and Bonus tips. Parents love it as a one-stop guide to answer all their parenting questions.
  2. Watch (4) 1-hour Video sessions. Each week, parents will learn 10 new strategies that work with even the most strong-willed kids of any age. The videos are practical, laugh-out-loud funny, and life-changing. Parents can watch together in person or via Zoom.
  3. Participate in (4) Group Discussion sessions. There is nothing more powerful than feeling understood and being encouraged by other parents who share similar struggles. THIS is building closer bonds in churches.

Watch the videos below for a preview of the DVDs.