“I haven’t seen our teachers this enlightened or engaged in 13 years!”
– Orange Hunt Elementary School, Springfield, VA
10 Brain-Boosters™ Interventions for 21st Century Classrooms
Are you frustrated by students who fidget, constantly need to be redirected and distract others? Do you have a handful of children who demand all your time? Ever wonder why students struggle with anxiety and anger? Teachers are frustrated. Parents are frustrated. Kids are shutting down and their spirits are being crushed. It’s time to stop this.
Listen to these practical podcasts and share them with your administration:
Behavior Issues In Class? 10 Ideas!
Sensory Issues, Social Skills, & Transitions in Class.
Do you have a student who struggles with behavior, impulse control, social skills, following directions, anxiety, and/or sensory issues? How can you handle all of these issues and build a child’s confidence at the same time? Learn practical ways to improve concentration, impulse control, social skills, and more.
Today’s educators must deal with situations and issues unimaginable even a few years ago. Studies indicate that up to 70% of students may be affected by one or more of the following: anxiety; distraction and difficulty attending; sensory integration; impulsivity; emotional and behavioral impacts; and bullying.
Celebrate Calm Founder, Kirk Martin, will give you at least 25 practical, concrete strategies to address these issues during your In-Service or Professional Development training. Martin has trained over 600,000 parents and teachers and specializes in working with intense children, including those affected by Anxiety, Sensory issues, Aspergers, Autism, ODD, OCD and AD/HD.
We use what we call the Tuesday Morning Approach. If we train your staff on a Monday, each teacher will walk into the classroom the next morning with 15 practical, concrete, science-based strategies. This isn’t just theory. This works in today’s classrooms.
Teachers and parents LOVE our training because it is fast-paced, practical, and laugh-out-loud funny. We guarantee they will rave about it.
“Kirk, our teachers connected with and respected you instantly. They could tell you have spent a lot of time in real classrooms. Plus your sense of humor was refreshing. They’ve been talking about the training all week.”
~ Guerin High School, Carmel, Indiana
Brain-Boosters™ training will help your teachers:
• Improve attention, writing skills, executive function, and impulse control.
• Reduce blurting out, distractions, refusal to do work, and behavior issues.
• Calm an angry, anxious or violent child.
• Get kids to be responsible for themselves.
* We can provide training for parents, teachers, and students on the same day. That way, everyone is using common language to help kids be successful. Plus we encourage several schools/PTAs or an entire district to join together to impact more people.
We commonly provide 60, 90, or 120 minute training sessions for teachers after school–or we can provide training during your scheduled In-Service days. We’re flexible.
Please contact Casey at Casey@celebratecalm.com or call 888-506-1871 to schedule training for your school.
Brain Booster # 1: Every classroom needs a traffic cop to keep traffic moving. How to create order and structure in the classroom. Why traditions are more powerful than rules.
Brain Booster # 2: Calm the quiet stalker that destroys focus: anxiety. Why anxiety causes more distractions and behavior issues than any other factor. Five proven steps to identify, prevent and overcome anxiety.
Brain Booster # 3: Be Sensory Smart to improve behavior. Nearly 60% of students experience sensory processing issues, another silent destroyer of focus. Practical tools you can use throughout the day to eliminate sensory issues.
Brain Booster # 4: Calm explosive students before they dominate your classroom. Ever notice how students who get angry have a difficult time finding the words to express their emotions? That’s because the temporal lobe is responsible for temper control and language—talking to a child during this time can be disastrous. Three common actions adults take that unwittingly make tense situations worse. One proven step that calms every upset child every time.
Brain Booster # 5: Create behavior plans that build a child’s confidence and reduce negative behavior. The basal ganglia—responsible for impulse control, judgment and motivation—responds best to a strengths-based approach. The fatal flaw all behavior plans suffer from and why they never work for long. Why increasing consequences never motivates the student and leads to frustration. How to redirect seamlessly without giving attention to the disruptive student. What you should be sending home instead of a daily behavioral chart. What happens when we show children what TO DO instead of what not to do.
Brain Booster # 6: Exercise and nutritious food are the high-octane fuels our students’ brains need. Specific ways for teachers to incorporate exercise and movement into lesson plans to reduce interruptions and improve productivity.
Brain Booster # 7: Improve concentration by giving students textured objects. The center for language, reading and emotions in the brain also controls rhythm. Learn how teachers use music, swings and movement. What should you do when students refuse to give eye contact or stare out the window?
Brain Booster # 8: Use multi-sensory stimulation to improve attention and retention. Movement anchors new information and experiences into neural networks. Application: 20 specific examples from real classrooms situations. And some ways to rethink circle time for pre-schoolers, recess for elementary kids, and writing assignments for teens.
Brain Booster # 9: Celebrate diversity of learning styles and gifts. Teach students to control their own actions, attitudes and emotions. How to get students using their respective strengths. Learn the key to prevent bullying.
Brain Booster # 10: Ignite a student’s internal motivation. Why most of our well-meaning efforts at motivating students cause more anxiety. How teachers from Long Island to St. Louis to Long Beach motivate students.
Please contact Casey at Casey@celebratecalm.com or 888-506-1871 to schedule training for your school.