Toddlers to Teens: Tantrums, Defiance, & Meltdowns
Think the strategies to help toddlers and teens are different? Then I challenge you to listen to this podcast to learn how you can stop tantrums, meltdowns, and defiance using the same exact strategies whether your child is 4 or 14! Your tone, attitude, confidence, and body posture are key
5 Summer Survival Strategies in 11 minutes
How can you have fun this summer, while doing purposeful activities that don’t involve endless sibling squabbles and reliance on screens? Kirk will give you five practical ways to stimulate your kids’ brains, build their confidence, and give them a sense of ownership and structure that’s settling. Take 11 minutes and listen!
I dare you to do this over the summer: Let your kids listen to the CDs and then ask them, “What are two things you want US to change as parents?” And then, if reasonable, lead by changing yourself first. That will change your kids and your family fast. Don’t have the CDs? Be bold and take advantage of the lowest prices we’ve offered and FREE SHIPPING.
Summer is the perfect time to methodically change your family without the stress of the school year. Take a stand. Draw a line in the sand. This is when you FINALLY stopped the yelling and power struggles.
Want an extra $50 OFF? Get the Instant Downloads you can share with your parents, siblings/friends, and kids on multiple devices.

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Now For Only $247 (MP3) or $275 (MP3 + CDS)

- Improve focus, attention, impulse control, organization, and social skills.
- Improve grades, homework time, writing skills, and behavior issues at school.
- Build your child’s confidence and motivate without crushing his spirit.

- Understand your strong-willed child and how to motivate him without power struggles.
- Stop yelling, lecturing, and nagging.
- Enjoy your strong-willed child.
(3) Stop Defiance & Disrespect NOW! (2 CDs, 2 hours)
- Stop kids from rolling their eyes, talking back or silently ignoring you.
- Eliminate the emotional power struggles and endless arguments.
- Diffuse demanding kids who argue, throw meltdowns, or act bossy.
- Give directions one time. No more repeating yourself, yelling or bribing!
- Stop lying, hitting, interrupting, tantrums, whining, and complaining.
- Teach kids how to control themselves. A must have in every home.
- Kids listen as a teenager shows them how to deal with daily disappointment, anger, frustration, peer pressure, irritating siblings, and homework.
- Kids feel understood, confident, motivated, and purposeful.
- Casey teaches kids how to communicate with parents respectfully to earn trust.
- Stop neglecting yourself to make everyone else happy. Learn to make yourself a priority.
- Say no to unrealistic expectations, perfectionism, and guilt trips.
- Don’t allow others to manipulate you and push your buttons.
- Stop being the referee in the home.
- Stop the mean, rude, and hurtful verbal and physical attacks.
- Stop the petty arguments over chores, video games, iPads and everything else!
- Kirk shows you exactly what to do in the 80 toughest situations from morning to dinner to bedtime with kids ages 2-7.
- Stop the tantrums, screaming, hitting, biting, and throwing.
- Get kids to listen and do what you ask without the meltdowns and crying.
- Internally motivate kids who don’t respond to consequences, are apathetic or don’t care about school.
- Get your kids to stop playing video games and start being purposeful.
- Inspire kids who appear angry, negative, lazy or entitled.
- Learn simple, practical ways to change the “my way or the highway” approach that alienates your kids.
- Calm upset kids instead of escalating situations and punishing. Handle chaos at home after a long day at work.
- Make your wife feel valued and respected instead of dismissing her concerns.
- Kirk provides 30 specific, concrete strategies to stop the lecturing and yelling for good to create a new family tree. Stop reacting when your kids, spouse, and friends push your buttons so you are in control. Break the old patterns that cause you to worry about your kids’ future and feel like you’re not a good enough parent. No more drama. No more anxiety.
(12) Control Screens: So They Don’t Control Your Family
- Stop power struggles over phones, video games, and tablets without arguments or tears.
- Motivate kids to relieve stress, interact socially, get outside, and build confidence without screens.
- Set appropriate limits for kids ages 2-22.
- Know what to do when schools require an iPad, but this distracts your child.