You have been listening to our podcasts, thinking, “Kirk is describing our child!” Stop walking on eggshells and feeling alone. Have an actual plan to change your family ASAP.

Get Kirk’s practical, step-by-step instructions (35+ hours of audio instruction and 9 PDF Workbooks) to finally stop the tantrums, power struggles, defiance, sibling fights, and yelling…for less than the price of two therapy appointments.

If you need help, please email Casey@CelebrateCalm.com.

*You get LIFETIME ACCESS to all the programs. You can SHARE THE PROGRAMS with family members and your child’s teachers. Kirk continually updates the programs and adds new content that is automatically downloaded on your app. The app is available in all countries.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the difference between the podcasts and your programs?
The programs are longer, more detailed, more methodical, and give more specific scripts and ideas for specific problems/topics (ADHD, defiance, anxiety, etc, etc). Many of the programs also include PDF Workbooks. Think of the podcasts as a brief, high level overview, and the programs as methodical deep dive into Calm Parenting. 

How do downloads and streaming work?
It’s EASY!

Step 1) Purchase the programs.

Step 2) You will receive an email inviting you to download an app directly to your iPhone or Android.
3) Log in and all your programs will be waiting for you to listen to anytime, anywhere, at any speed. Download and listen offline in the app or stream.



(1) Enjoy Your Strong-Willed Child (2 hours)
Specific strategies to:

  • Understand your strong-willed child and how to motivate him without power struggles.
  • Stop yelling, lecturing, and nagging.
  • Enjoy your strong-willed child.

(2) Stop Defiance & Disrespect NOW! (2 hours)   

  • Stop kids from rolling their eyes, talking back or silently ignoring you.
  • Eliminate the emotional power struggles and endless arguments.
  • Diffuse demanding kids who argue, throw meltdowns, or act bossy.

(3) Discipline That Works When Consequences Don’t (4.5 hours)

Completely updated with 4 1/2 hours of new content.
Kirk addresses the toughest discipline issues parents face:
  • Aggressive kids who hit siblings and parents
  • Kids kicking car seats, calling you a b*****
  • Get kids to listen without repeating yourself
  • Teens vaping, refusing to turn in phones, porn
  • Kids interrupting you, venting, complaining
  • Tantrums, whining, swearing
  • Lying, stealing, sneaking food and screens
  • Siblings roughhousing
  • Impulse control, executive function issues
  • Chores, morning routine, dinner, eating
  • Kids acting out of trauma
(4) Straight Talk for Kids: Casey Speaks Directly to Your Kids (3 hours)   
  • Kids listen as a teenager shows them how to deal with daily disappointment, anger, frustration, peer pressure, irritating siblings, and homework.
  • Kids feel understood, confident, motivated, and purposeful.
  • Casey teaches kids how to communicate with parents respectfully to earn trust.
(5) Straight Talk for Stressed-Out Moms (2 hours)   
  • Stop neglecting yourself to make everyone else happy. Learn to make yourself a priority.
  • Say no to unrealistic expectations, perfectionism, and guilt trips.
  • Don’t allow others to manipulate you and push your buttons.
(6) Stop Sibling Fights: Stop Being the Referee (2 hours)  
  • Stop being the referee in the home.
  • Stop the mean, rude, and hurtful verbal and physical attacks.
  • Stop the petty arguments over chores, video games, iPads and everything else!
(7) Kids Ages 2-7: Build the Right Foundation (2 hours, 80-page PDF) 
  • Kirk shows you exactly what to do in the 80 toughest situations from morning to dinner to bedtime with kids ages 2-7.
  • Stop the tantrums, screaming, hitting, biting, and throwing.
  • Get kids to listen and do what you ask without the meltdowns and crying.
(8) 10 Secrets to Motivate Unmotivated Kids (2 hours)    
  • Internally motivate kids who don’t respond to consequences, are apathetic or don’t care about school.
  • Get your kids to stop playing video games and start being purposeful.
  • Inspire kids who appear angry, negative, lazy or entitled.
(9) Men’s CD: I Want To Be A Good Dad & Husband (2 hours) 
  • Learn simple, practical ways to change the “my way or the highway” approach that alienates your kids.
  • Calm upset kids instead of escalating situations and punishing. Handle chaos at home after a long day at work.
  • Make your wife feel valued and respected instead of dismissing her concerns.

(10) Control Screens So They Don’t Control Your Family (2 hours)

  • Get your kids off screens without having to yell, beg, threaten or have the endless fights.
  • Teach your kids how to actually control their own screen time so you don’t have to.

(11) 30 Days to Calm: Stop Yelling, Lecturing & Reacting. (1 hour, PDF Workbook, + 45-page Q&A )
Kirk provides 30 specific, concrete strategies to stop the lecturing and yelling for good to create a new family tree. Stop reacting when your kids, spouse, and friends push your buttons so you are in control. Break the old patterns that cause you to worry about your kids’ future and feel like you’re not a good enough parent. No more drama. No more anxiety.*

(12) ADHD University (3 hours, 65-page PDF Workbook)
Our promise? You will learn more more insight and strategies from listening to this program than five visits to a therapist. You will understand your child and know how to help them:
  • Improve focus, attention, impulse control, organization, and social skills.
  • Improve grades, homework time, writing skills, and behavior issues at school.
  • Build your child’s confidence and motivate without crushing his spirit.

We walk you through 
40 different action steps to improve your marriage. Each step is specific, concrete and very clear. You actually PRACTICE new skills in the context of your busy life and daily conflict.
Click here to see the Calm Couples University Program.

(14) YOU GET THE NEW NO B.S. Instruction Manual.
This is 20 years of Kirk’s accumulated wisdom, including five hours of content, real life case studies, written instruction manual and workbook, plus cheat sheet for quick review.
Click here to see the No B.S. Instruction Manual.

(15) ADHD For Adults: 10 Secrets To Success
You have felt like you can never measure up, like you are swimming upstream and no one understands. You have all these hopes and dreams, but have never really been able to get yourself over that hump. Kirk understands because he’s been through all of that. Learn how to live up to your potential and overcome those obstacles that have held you back.

(16) Eating, Sleeping & Potty Training Issues: No Nonsense Guide
Diet, potty training, and sleep issues are some of the toughest challenges parents face. Kirk provides practical strategies to help kids who:

– Are picky eaters, have anxiety and gut issues, sneak food at night, struggle sitting still at the table.
– Resist bedtime, make excuses to get up 15 times, won’t sleep without being in your room, get amped up when you are exhausted, etc.
– Struggle with potty training, regress when a new baby is born, and don’t like to be praised.