It’s Time to Celebrate ADHD.

20 years ago, Kirk Martin burst onto the scene with a radical message: what if instead of trying to change kids who are different, we celebrated their unique gifts? He’s now taught almost one million parents and teachers how to help kids with AD/HD, OCD, ODD, Anxiety, and other spectrum symptoms be wildly successful.

Here’s what we hear most: “Kirk gets our kids and us like he’s living in our home. This is practical. This works. This is a game-changer.”

“My daughter was listening as I played your programs and said, ‘Finally someone understands and gets me. I’m not the ONLY one!’ That is priceless to us as a family.”   ~ Karen Phillips, Annandale, VA


“I love that your ideas are out of the box–we can just implement them easily within minutes after hearing them. We finally feel like we have our son back thanks to your insights and passion for our kids.”  ~ Frank & Wendy A., Seattle, WA


“We have tried everything, and no doctor or therapist comes close to explaining how to help our kids in simple ways that work like you do. Thank God we can now Celebrate ADHD!”   ~ The Cromwell Family, Chicago, IL

Take this quiz. Our comprehensive CELEBRATE ADHD program will help you if your child:

  • Controls others, acts bossy and has to prove his point.
  • Relates well to adults and younger children, but struggles socially with peers (acts silly, immature).
  • Gets a thrill from pushing your buttons and arguing like an attorney.
  • Melts down over unexpected changes, disappointments, and little things going wrong.
  • Is disorganized, forgetful, and impulsive.
  • Appears unmotivated and underperforms academically.
  • Becomes frustrated getting thoughts from head to paper while writing.
  • Constantly moves, fidgets, makes noises, or chews on things.
  • Plays video games for hours, but can’t focus on work for 10 minutes.
  • Likes to cuddle, wrestle, or be wrapped in blankets.
  • Is sensitive to touch, noise, sight, aromas, or clothes. Wears the same clothes repeatedly.
  • Procrastinates with homework, but hyper-focuses on personal projects.
  • Shows obsessive-compulsive tendencies, needs things to be just so.
  • Says, “I’m bored!” or “I’m stupid” often.
  • Gets angry, impatient or interrupts when you talk.
  • Gets along great with one parent, but struggles when both are around.
  • Quits or cheats at games, lies and blames others.
  • Has traits associated with ODD, OCD, Anxiety, Asperger’s, Sensory Processing and more.

This program is usually $497 and worth it.
You’ve spent more than that on testing and therapy.

“Testing and therapy didn’t work. This does.”

The most comprehensive program we have ever created. Over 50 practical tools to stop the meltdowns and power struggles, improve homework time, and build your child’s confidence.

(2) BRAIN BOOSTERS. This is the same content that schools pay us $2,500 for Professional Development. Features unparalleled insight into your child that you and your teachers must understand.

(3) ADHD FOR ADULTS. You or your spouse has probably struggled with confidence and never feeling like you’re on top. Kirk shows you how with very practical steps that actually work.

ADHD University Set(1) ADHD University™ (3 hours + Workbook & Kirk’s Written Q&A to over 50 Questions) No, your child does not have to be diagnosed or even have ADHD. But this is the most comprehensive and helpful program we’ve ever created. Learn 50 practical, concrete strategies to help your child control his impulses, emotions, anxiety, and sensory issues.

  • Improve focus, attention, impulse control, organization, social skills,
  • Improve grades, homework time, writing skills, behavior issues at school.
  • Build your child’s confidence without crushing his spirit.


(2) Brain Boosters™ for School Success
10 Secrets to Boost Your Child’s Performance 

Our kids are bright, curious and imaginative. Teachers, students, and parents are frustrated because traditional behavior plans only crush a child’s spirit and cause him to shut down. Listen and learn:

  • 25 practical ways to improve focus, attention and behavior in class.       
  • The one secret that always helps children overcome anxiety.
  • 2 things you should never do with an upset, angry or violent child.
  • 3 common myths that sabotage homework and tests.
  • How to meet sensory needs to improve concentration and reduce aggression.
  • Positive behavior plans that build, not destroy, confidence.
  • Spark internal motivation and responsibility in all kids.

*Share this program with two teachers, who can download the MP3s instantly onto their phone, iPad, or computer.

(3)  ADHD for Adults: 10 Secrets to Success 
You have felt like you can never measure up, like you are swimming upstream and no one understands. You have all these hopes and dreams, but have never really been able to get yourself over that hump. Kirk understands because he’s been through all of that. Learn how to live up to your potential and overcome those obstacles that have held you back.